商品 ID TrippTrapp-RED_used_21800896
メーカー Stokke

ベビーハイチェア (中古)

SKU 21800896
Item No. TrippTrapp-RED
Size: W46 x D49 x H79 cm
Color: Red

This chair supports your child's growth.
Even babies can now join the dinner table.
If you add the baby set or cushion, it enhances the usability and comfortability of this chair.
Once you child gets bigger you can adjust the foot plate, and the seat height accordingly. Even as your child gets bigger you can still use the same chair.
This chair is designed by Peter Opsvik and is a classic Scandinavian designers item.
When released in 1972 it brought a revolution to the baby high chair market.
定価: ¥ 31,800
金額: ¥1,500 ¥1,650 税込

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* 上記に配送費は含まれておりません。
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* 詳細については、 レンタルガイドをご覧ください。
