King-Size Mattress (2matt.) (Used) #1King-Size Mattress (2matt.) (Used) #2King-Size Mattress (2matt.) (Used) #3King-Size Mattress (2matt.) (Used) #4
ID MMRN-BT-PS-K-2_used_22202690
Manufacturer Others

King-Size Mattress (2matt.) (Used)

SKU 22202690
Size: W90 x L195 x H35 cm x (2 Mattresses)
Number of coils: 532

MasterWal's original mattress.
The Ranica series is characterized by its alternating arrangement for firm sleeping comfort. This is a box top type mattress with a thickness of 35cm that provides a high quality sleeping experience. The alternating array of pocket coils, each filled with non-woven fabric, maintains a firm, natural posture and reduces the burden on the body during sleep by dispersing body pressure.
The side fabric uses Adaptive® a fiber coated with a special functional polymer, that absorbs and evaporates sweat, creating a dry and cool

List Price: ¥ 320000
Price: ¥16,000 ¥17,600 incl.Tax

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* The Delivery Fee is not included.
* Our inventories change everyday. Please add the items to the Estimation Cart and ask us for the availablility and delivery fee.
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