Baby Mattress (Used) #1Baby Mattress (Used) #2Baby Mattress (Used) #3Baby Mattress (Used) #4
ID Breathable_B-MAT_13270_used_22102646
Manufacturer Others

Baby Mattress (Used)

SKU 22102646
Item No. Breathable B-MAT 13270/Spring mattress L / Boori
Size: W72 x L132 x H12 cm

Cribs for up to 6 years old, and special spring mattresses made to fit the crib series for adults.
To provide a better environment for your baby, Boori recommends using a spring mattress in your crib. You can also use it as it is when you use the bed as a sofa.
Advantages of spring mattresses
1. Appropriate firmness: To ensure correct sleeping posture and safety when lying down.
2. Ensuring breathability: To control the baby's body temperature and prevent mold from growing on the floorboards.
3. Easy to care for: No need to dry like a mattress, just wash and replace the sheets, reducing the burden on dads and moms.
List Price: ¥ 25000
Price: ¥1,500 ¥1,650 incl.Tax

* The price above is a monthly payment for the rental.
* The Delivery Fee is not included.
* Our inventories change everyday. Please add the items to the Estimation Cart and ask us for the availablility and delivery fee.
* For more information, please see the Rental Guide