Sectional 3P Sofa (Fabric) (Used) #1Sectional 3P Sofa (Fabric) (Used) #2Sectional 3P Sofa (Fabric) (Used) #3Sectional 3P Sofa (Fabric) (Used) #4Sectional 3P Sofa (Fabric) (Used) #5Sectional 3P Sofa (Fabric) (Used) #6Sectional 3P Sofa (Fabric) (Used) #7
ID GROSSO-AS00_Dark_gray_Felt2311_u2950_21502447
Manufacturer BO-CONCEPT

Sectional 3P Sofa (Fabric) (Used)

SKU 21502447
Size: W312 x D93 x H70(SH42) cm
Armless Sofa width: 90 cm
One Arm Sofa width: 110 cm
Upholstery: Dark gray Lux felt fabric 2311
Leg style: Black lacquer finish(Hight 5 cm)

A modern Grosso sofa with an eye-catching three-dimensional design accented with luxurious piping. It offers the ultimate in seating comfort, which is unimaginable considering its straight-lined form. A spacious three-seater sofa that you can sit with your family or have to yourself.

List Price: ¥ 389000
Price: ¥23,500 ¥25,850 incl.Tax

* The price above is a monthly payment for the rental.
* The Delivery Fee is not included.
* Our inventories change everyday. Please add the items to the Estimation Cart and ask us for the availablility and delivery fee.
* For more information, please see the Rental Guide