Coffee Table (Used) #1Coffee Table (Used) #2Coffee Table (Used) #3
ID IPPONGI_KIORI_102_102-WN_u1894_21002632
Manufacturer CONDE HOUSE

Coffee Table (Used)

SKU 21002632
Item No. IPPONGI KIORI 102x102-WN
Size: W102 x D102 x H33 cm
Material: Walnut oil finish

The natural wooden pattern on this table is almost like it is woven together with threads and is very beautiful. The complexity in which the different wooden pieces are formed together in a grid and perfectly ordered makes this a great craftsmanship.
When looking at it from a distance the latticework combined with the wood pattern, makes a beautiful harmony. The wood pieces selected are have straight grain surfaces only.
The table top and legs connects with a three-way clasp. These are among the sophisticated methods used to reconciliate the design to make an high quality art furniture piece.
The light reflects along the wood grains, and gives a different look and depth depending on which angle you are looking at it from. Also the shadow made by the latticework is something by itself. 
List Price: ¥ 398000
Price: ¥15,900 ¥17,490 incl.Tax

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* The Delivery Fee is not included.
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