Changing Table (Used) #1Changing Table (Used) #2
ID OM-5W_used_21808757
Manufacturer YAMASAKI

Changing Table (Used)

SKU 21808757
Item No. Sweet base/OM-5W
Size: W49.5 x D74.5 x H92.5(MH70) cm
Maximum weight load: 30 kg
Weight: 12 kg
Color: White
Mat: PVC leather/urethane
With a caster

Height from the floor to the mattress top of this changing table is 70 cm, so when you change diapers on the baby you do not have to bend your knees and get worn out.
It has durable fences on 3 sides, except the side you stand on, which makes it very safe and protects against baby falling over.
The painting is eco-friendly and does not have any volatile toxic substances in it.
The glue and wooden boards have also a high safety level, and are approved for usage in hospitals, kindergartens, and other public facilities.
List Price: ¥ 51000
Price: ¥2,000 ¥2,200 incl.Tax

* The price above is a monthly payment for the rental.
* The Delivery Fee is not included.
* Our inventories change everyday. Please add the items to the Estimation Cart and ask us for the availablility and delivery fee.
* For more information, please see the Rental Guide